New Addition

Costco is currently running a sale on a Canon M50 kit for $499.99, which includes a 15-45mm lens, 32 GB SD card, strap, and camera bag.

I’ve been researching cameras with video for the last few months. Adding this small mirrorless camera to my kit presents some interesting possibilities.

My first impression of the M50: Wow, this thing is small!


Ooo! It looks like Amazon’s tracking info updated after end of business yesterday.

I’ve never waited so long for an Amazon order. I’m very excited that it’s finally shipped!

It arrives tomorrow, and I’ve got more items on my current To Do list than hours in my day.

Regardless, we are getting closer!


I’m continuing to clear my plate so I can focus on actually playing. I’ve got one more big job to push through this weekend, and then I’m going to focus on learning the ins and outs of Fantasy Grounds.

I placed an order for some more video lights, but it doesn’t look like that Amazon order will ship until the first week of May. The Zombie Apocalypse is keeping Tony occupied, so there’s no immediate pressure to get the games started.

I’ve got a lot of work to do.

False Starts and Wasted Time

Instead of designing and creating content for this new D&D blog, producing videos, learning new applications, or working on any of the various D&D projects I’ve already started, I’ve spent the majority of my time over the last two weeks teaching someone WordPress and helping them get a non-profit website up and running. I spent the last three days introducing them to Lightroom and figuring out how to export 6.6k of their image files from Apple’s Photos in a way that preserves what little metadata those files contain.

Continue reading “False Starts and Wasted Time”

Signs of the Apocalypse

The most recent signs from the four horsemen have made the world undeniably nuts for everyone else, but very little has actually changed for me. All things considered, this seems like the perfect time for me to publish a new web site—one specifically devoted to my returning obsession with Dungeons & Dragons.

I’m not really sure how people can be bored right now. I’ve got so much on my plate right now that I’ll have to end this first post here so I can knock more items off today’s To-Do list.