After months of research and discussion, yesterday evening, this site’s biggest fan followed up on a long series of text message exchanges, sharing that he’d just made the commitment, spending over $300 on a Fantasy Grounds Unity Ultimate license and the full D&D Essentials Bundle.
Continue reading “Fantasy Grounds”Category: Blog
Today in Lighting Tests
My studio lighting is in a good place at this point; with so many pieces of the puzzle coming together where video lighting is concerned, I’m ready to shift my focus to other details so this party can get started.
I’ve spent a good amount of time learning Final Cut Pro X, but I’ve really only scratched the surface. I need to invest some butt-in-chair time on this.
24 Hours
It’s pretty early on Friday morning. I’ve had my morning walk and I’m nursing this morning’s first cup of coffee. My day is just getting started, and I’m breaking from writing up today’s To Do list just long enough to publish this post.
This post is about self-accountability. I’ve been very active lately, but I need to improve my focus; distractions have seriously impeded my productivity.
I want to share the steps of my journey on this blog, and that doesn’t happen if I’m letting days slip by without posting. I’ll cut this line of thought off here and get back to planning my day. I’ll post again later and give a more thorough update on what I’ve been up to.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Refresh. (+Updates)
There’s no indication that it’s been misdirected or lost. I have plenty to keep me busy; I can keep doing prep and tests.
I can be patient (he told himself).
Continue reading “Refresh. (+Updates)”Refresh.
Last time it was this close, it was shipped to Anchorage.
Continue reading “Refresh.”Refresh.
Not going to lie: I’ve been refreshing this tacking info regularly and I’m pretty excited. I’m not seeing any bad news, so that’s good news.
Continue reading “Refresh.”Try, Try Again
Truth be known, my previous attempt to upgrade this little passion project left a bad aftertaste—so much so that I’ve been hesitant to share that I placed a new order on Monday.
Continue reading “Try, Try Again”Swatching
Addressing one of many overdue tasks, I spent over an hour this morning swatching out my Ohuhu 120 Brush Marker set while listening to a few of my favorite podcasts.
Continue reading “Swatching”