After months of research and discussion, yesterday evening, this site’s biggest fan followed up on a long series of text message exchanges, sharing that he’d just made the commitment, spending over $300 on a Fantasy Grounds Unity Ultimate license and the full D&D Essentials Bundle.
As easy as it’s been for me to procrastinate on buying FG until now, in good conscience, I wasn’t able to put off my own purchase any longer. I pulled the trigger first thing this morning.
The “Fantasy Grounds Unity – Ultimate License” will allow me to host games for players who are using the free version of the software. I’m planning to introduce new players to the hobby, so this package makes the most sense.
Of course, I don’t actually have any firsthand experience with this software at this point. From the YouTube videos I’ve watched, the initial learning curve seems relatively steep. (Considering D&’s complexity, this isn’t surprising.)
Starting next week, I’ll block out some hours, settle in, and really start figuring it all out.