Lighting Hack

After shooting a few more test shots yesterday afternoon, I headed to JoAnn Fabrics to buy a few yards of cheap liner, which I can use as diffusion material. White sheets, shower curtains, pieces of paper—inexpensive lighting modifiers are readily available, and the results they produce can be pretty amazing.

Thanks to the Cootie Apocalypse, local fabric and craft stores have been wildly popular. Every trip to JoAnn’s takes me about 60 to 90 minutes. It was an absolutely beautiful day yesterday, and I needed to get out of the house for a while, so the break was welcome.

I’ve pinned a piece of fabric directly to the styrofoam drop-ceiling, covering the daylight balanced fluorescent light positioned directly above my primary computer workstation. I’m really liking the quality of light I’m now getting for this setup—the change is noticeable; the light is very soft and flattering.

I still feel like I have a long way to go to dress and light my sets, but I’ll definitely remember to modify the rest of the fluorescents in this space when I can.

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