Mostly Video Prep

I only have a minute, but I really do want to connect with those of you who are interested in playing D&D online with me. Following are a few of the miscellaneous details I’ve been working on.

The hanging strings of lights I bought at Costco last week looked awful on the camera tests I did yesterday afternoon, so I made a return later in the day. I’ve considered various LED strip lights on Amazon for background lighting over the last few weeks. Of course, most non-vital Amazon orders are experiencing significant shipping delays. Assuring myself that I can always make a return later, I caved during this morning’s morning walk and placed my order. (I sure hope they look better than the Costco lighting did.)

My secret lair is a mess. Currently, I have two design workstations in regular use, and I’m putting the finishing touches on three small video/photo shoot areas. I ordered a video light kit last week, but it won’t ship until the first week of May. I have until then to transform a corner of this chaos into something resembling a video set.

My audio workflow needs refinement. I hate the sound of my own voice just as much as the next person, and my current audio tracks sound thin. I’m way too stingy to pay Adobe $20/month for a current license to Audition just for one vocal sweetening preset, so I’ll have to roundtrip my .aiff files to a secondary workstation, which hosts an older OS and Adobe’s 2012 Master Collection, including Audition. “Jenky, but functional”—that’s how I roll.

Hamlet’s Hit Points
Hamlet’s Hit Points by Robin Laws

Yesterday, Amazon delivered a copy of Hamlet’s Hit Points, by Robin Laws. I was reminded of this 2010 book a few months ago while watching Laws in a DM’s Deep Dive interview with Mike Shea. I’ll be sure to share a proper review just as soon as I finish reading it.

Amazon Affiliate Status

Yeah, this might be a good time to mention that I have officially signed up as an Amazon Affiliate. I don’t have any experience with this, but my understanding is that there’s no real downside for people who buy items via the Amazon links I share. I’m not above the possibility of getting some more dice, or a subscription to some D&D service, or a few books on Amazon’s dime.

Of course, if I’m wrong in my understanding about any or all of this, please let me know. I want to learn.

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