Instead of designing and creating content for this new D&D blog, producing videos, learning new applications, or working on any of the various D&D projects I’ve already started, I’ve spent the majority of my time over the last two weeks teaching someone WordPress and helping them get a non-profit website up and running. I spent the last three days introducing them to Lightroom and figuring out how to export 6.6k of their image files from Apple’s Photos in a way that preserves what little metadata those files contain.
Today, I’m finally returning my attention to a sizable photo retouching project. I need to get that knocked out quickly so I can get back to my new D&D Super Hobby™.
I’m also giving a very much-needed rethink to how I manage my time. I’m too embarrassed to admit just how much time I’ve been wasting on stupid, stupid shit. As much as I love making myself available to others, it’s becoming painfully obvious that I undervalue my time. This is a very bad problem for me; I’ll need to realize a radical context shift to have any hope of achieving my current goals.
I’m a tad bitter at the moment, but I truly have no one to blame but myself. As long as I don’t value my own time, I can’t expect others to.